I think most of the visitors from my MyOpera pack know I have an album called “I Am No Photographer” with the popular photography group Shoot and Tell.
I’m pleased to announce I have created yet another blog (gasp!) to keep my favourite photo stories from “I Am No Photographer”. This new photo blog is also titled “I Am No Photographer” and is found at album12119192.wordpress.com
Update (28 Feb): I have now created “The making of” page to explain how I prepared each post. Feedback welcome.
Originally posted to mimismum.wordpress.com
OK … howdja do that? And is that everything?
Oh … I sent a note to Sami, and at that time the machine said he was online, so maybe he’ll read it.
How did I do it? …. With efforts. :p
I’ll write up “behind the scene how I did it” post later and show you how I did it. I’m sure there’s a better way. But mine involved a bit of industrial manual labour.
One thing I can tell you right now is, if you want to keep photo comments and descriptions, you’ll have to save them now while MyOpera is still up. I tried two method. One is with an application called HTTrack, which I used to save the entire mimi_s_mum site including the albums. But it took a lot of time (I stopped the app after 7.5 hours!) and wasted bandwidth while the app kept trying and failing to download unnecessary stuff like slideshows. With “NoPhotographer” album with S&T I had to go to every page (77 pics & 4 pic-list pages!) and save manually, because that copying app would insist on copying photos from other people’s albums!
On the other hand, if your photos on MyOpera don’t have much in terms of descriptions or comments, then you may decide such an effort is not necessary.
Thanks for pinging Sami. Let’s hope it is done in time. :wait:
Here it is! http://album12119192.wordpress.com/the-making-of/ 😉
Well, I do have the ZIP file they tell you to make, and it’s safely ensconced on my aux drive. Does that count for saving it?
The ZIP only has the stuff you uploaded, like pictures, and your customisation. Not what was written on your album pages such as photo description and comments.
If you want to keep photo descriptions & comments, you need to save them yourself before too late. If you don’t think those important, then you don’t need to.